A specialized documentation center in Biscarrosse
Our Documentation Center was naturally created along with the Musée de l’Hydraviation and quickly started to focus on searching for, collecting and preserving ancient and contemporary documents.
Over the years, the assortment of documents was expanded and diversified, thanks to donations, loans, and bequests of family archives inherited from pioneers and other big names in seaplane aviation.
Document collections that can be used by anyone
The center has developed relationships with booksellers that specialize in aeronautics, that it can now tap into, in order to bring in rare documentation that has been forgotten but that is essential to the conservation of our aeronautical heritage.
These collections and the work done by our documentation staff allow anyone – researchers, students, historians and other specialists – to conduct both historical and technical research. The resources available for examination include:

- Technical manuals,
- Flight logs,
- Plans,
- Manufacturer documentation with photos,
- Old to recent, French and foreign presse coverage,
- ect.
In addition, a very targeted library of biographies, monographs, periodicals, dissertations, speeches, memoirs, and children’s and young adult literature, make our Documentation Center a reference in the field of seaplanes.
The collections can be viewed on site, by appointment only.
Research requests must simply be submitted in writing, so don’t hesitate to contact the museum.